Social, Psychological, and Philosophical Reflections on Pandemics and Beyond

Abraham Rudnick Introduction Societies are measured in part in relation to how they rise to the occasion of collective crises and learn from them. For example, both Taiwan and Canada (specifically Toronto) were similarly directly impacted by the Severe Acute Respiratory … Read More

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Prince Charming from the Tear (Făt-Frumos din lacrimă), by Mihai Eminescu

(Excerpt) In ancient times, when people, as they are today, were only in the germs of the future, when God was still treading with his holy feet the stony deserts of the earth, – in ancient times lived a thoughtful … Read More

The post Prince Charming from the Tear (Făt-Frumos din lacrimă), by Mihai Eminescu appeared first on SetThings (Telework).

European Union on artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is developing fast. It will change our lives by improving healthcare (e.g. making diagnosis more precise, enabling better prevention of diseases), increasing the efficiency of farming, contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation, improving the efficiency of production … Read More

The post European Union on artificial intelligence appeared first on SetThings (Telework).

Reverse discrimination

Reverse discrimination refers to the discrimination of members of favors as deemed favor of a deemed disadvantaged group. Reverse sexism The onboard regulations of some Australian airlines such as Qantas Airways, Jetstar Airways and Virgin Australia prohibit male passengers from taking a seat next to children traveling alone.  This … Read More

The post Reverse discrimination appeared first on SetThings (Telework).