The philosophy of the 19th century: Systems period (1800-1850) (2)

Generally speaking, removing from previous doctrines everything which gives them their apocalyptic and visionary character, you obtain new doctrines which have a skeptical and discouraged aspect, or which, conversely, expect a lot from human forces and very little from natural … Read More

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The philosophy of the 19th century: Systems period (1800-1850) (1)

From 1800 to the present day, we can distinguish three large, fairly well-defined periods: from 1800 to 1850, an extraordinary flowering of broad and constructive doctrines, which claim to reveal the secret of nature and history and to make known … Read More

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The masters of the philosophy of 18th century: Newton and Locke

Between the great theological systems of Malebranche, Leibniz, Spinoza, and the massive philosophical architectures of Schelling, Hegel and Comte, the eighteenth century seems to be a moment of relaxation for the synthetic and constructive spirit. It has been variously appreciated: … Read More

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Philosophy in the 17th century – The conception of human nature: authority and absolutism

Never has a century, less than the seventeenth century, had confidence in the spontaneous forces of a nature abandoned to itself: the natural man, the one who is delivered without rule to the conflict of passions, where can one find … Read More

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