Backbone networks for pan-European cloud federation – Call for proposals (CEF-DIG-2021-CLOUD)

End users’ tight budgetary constraints, the growing awareness of cloud impact on climate change, the relatively low cloud uptake among both the public and private sectors (18%)3, and the need to enable the free flow of data across the EU … Read More

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Desktop publishing

Desktop publishing, commonly abbreviated DTP, involves preparing documents for printing using a computer instead of the historical processes of typography and photocomposition. Desktop publishing is done using specialized software, called page layout software or desktop publishing software, similar to regular … Read More

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Client-server exchange in web technology

The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is the conventional description of the location of a document on the web. It has three parts: The protocol to use specified before the // (HTTP: for HTTP, HTTPS for encrypted HTTP, for Web documents, … Read More

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A Brief Timeline in Internet Development

There is no doubt about it—the Internet has changed the world we live in. Never before has it been so easy to access information; communicate with people all over the globe; and share articles, videos, photos, and all manner of … Read More

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