Bridge Bidding – Standard American Yellow Card

This book present some of the most important bridge bidding systems used in duplicate bridge tournaments, detailing the most known bridge bidding system, Standard American Yellow Card, by using a logical sequential order for openings, answers, competitive bids and defensive … Read More

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Internet Marketing, SEO & Advertising

A guide for online marketers, advertisers and publishers, to increase the digital marketing and optimize their costs and benefits. Internet marketing, also known as digital marketing, web marketing, online marketing, search marketing or e-marketing, is the marketing (generally promotion) of … Read More

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Henri Poincaré: Potential of an electric mass distributed on the surface of a sphere

Such is the present state of the question; let us see now what is the goal that I have in view; what would have been most interesting would have been to replace the current calculation methods with other less defective … Read More

The post Henri Poincaré: Potential of an electric mass distributed on the surface of a sphere appeared first on MultiMedia.