Fine tuning argument for the existence of God: Appearance of heavy elements in the Universe and tuning the fundamental forces of our universe

Appearance of heavy elements in the Universe Heavy elements 98% of visible matter is made up of hydrogen and helium. All the other elements (heavy elements: carbon, iron, oxygen in particular which are the constituents of organic matter and therefore … Read More

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Implementation of the freedom of speech – Extended scope

The conditions under which freedom of expression applies are ambivalent. On the one hand, it is considered fundamental, since it conditions the exercise of other freedoms. Thus, superior courts, both supranational and national, enshrine its importance in similar terms. For … Read More

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Fine tuning argument for the existence of God – The adjustment of the constants of the Universe

The characteristics of the universe in which we evolve depend on about fifteen physical constants. In the current absence of a unifying principle, they are considered independent of each other. The advent of supercomputers allowed astrophysics to model the development … Read More

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